17 Networking Secrets At Conferences and Events [Part 2]
This week, I shared 7 of the most powerful tips to help you network like a pro.
And as promised, here are the 10 others that will change the way you attend conferences and events forever, for the better.
Let’s go!
1. Stand out With Badges
Most events offer you badges where you can have your job titles on them.
If you can, don’t just use one.
But get a few of them that would show your other interests and skills.
Having multiple badges attached to your neck will drive curiosity and open up to more conversations.
2. Start Conversations
Don't wait for others to make the first move.
Even if you’re an introvert, make the effort and go for it.
Approach people with a big and genuine smile, look into their eyes, and introduce yourself with a firm, confident handshake.
If you don’t know what to say first, keep it simple.
Open up with the most basic stuff like the organization’s logistics or even the weather : ).
The most important here is to get the conversation started.
Be open to discussing not just business but personal topics as well.
It will make you more relatable and build empathy.
Read this book and become a people magnet!
3. Connect on Social Media
After you meet with someone, connect with them on social platforms.
It’s the best way to stay engaged and keep the ball rolling.
4. Use Linkedin
Get a connection request template ready to go based on the event’s topic: